
PuranDefragisaverysimplediskdefragmenterwhichwilldefragthefilesandoptimizeyoursystem,collectingallthefragmentsofafileandputtingthem ...,...PuranDefrag!Ithasanoptimizationalgorish+...Againdon'tdefragaSSD...BEWAREDONTDEFRAGURSSDITWILLDAMAGEITANDYOURLIVEDURETIONWILLBELOWER.,2018年4月14日—MyDefragdoesn'tcareaboutssdandwilljustDefragthem.Glaryspeeddiskdoesn'tcare.Purandoesn'tcare.UltraDefragsameiss...

9 Free Smart Defrag For Windows SSD And Hard Disk

Puran Defrag is a very simple disk defragmenter which will defrag the files and optimize your system, collecting all the fragments of a file and putting them ...

defrag - Republic of Gamers Forum - 342723

... Puran Defrag! It has an optimization algorish + ... Again don't defrag a SSD ... BEWARE DONT DEFRAG UR SSD IT WILL DAMAGE IT AND YOUR LIVE DURETION WILL BE LOWER.

Defrag on sSD

2018年4月14日 — My Defrag doesn't care about ssd and will just Defrag them. Glary speed disk doesn't care. Puran doesn't care. Ultra Defrag same issue. So ...

Download Puran Defrag

2023年12月7日 — Puran Defrag is a simple disk defragmenter that will defrag files and optimize your system. The files saved on your hard disk will become ...

Puran Defrag

Puran Defrag provides two Automatic Defragmentation types - One is a simple Automatic Defragmentation and the other is Automatic Boot Time Defragmentation.

Puran Defrag

2010年2月2日 — Puran Defrag Free Edition is the free version of Puran Defrag, an alternative defrag tool that helps you keep your hard drive in perfect shape.

Puran Defrag 7.3

Puran Defrag 是一個非常簡單的磁片磁碟重組器,它磁碟重組檔並優化您的系統,這意味著它收集檔的所有片段並把它們放在一起,它還會將一些常用的檔和所有目錄移動到更 ...

Puran Defrag(硬盘碎片整理软件)

Puran Defrag(硬盘碎片整理软件),PuranDefrag一款硬盘碎片整理软件,通过集中文件碎片的方法,用户可以显著地提高硬盘性能及寿命!注册信息随意输入即可注册成功。; ...

SSD Defragmentation - 固態硬碟- 儲存燒錄

2019年1月11日 — 再用Puran Defrag 去Defrag 160G HDD, 最重要做Free Space Consolidation 再行一次Aomei再由160G Clone去新Liteon V2G Pro SSD。 P.S. 不過要小心,塊 ...